Searching For The Brick-Wall Solution In Genealogy

Searching For The Brick-Wall Solution In Genealogy


Most genealogy researchers have at least one “Brick-Wall” where they just cannot move beyond one of their researched family members.

This can happen for a number of reasons and today, I want to share with you how I ‘smashed’ through one of my “Brick-Walls”.

My partner’s great grandmother was a lovely little ‘Irish’ lady.  Well, that’s what she told everyone and when you look at her photos, she was indeed.  But was she??? Irish that is???

Sue, my partner’s cousin, had written to the Births, Deaths & Marriages in Ireland to request Elizabeth Egan’s birth certificate, back in the 1970’s.  She didn’t get the response that she had been expecting.  It came back saying, that there was no record of a birth for Elizabeth Catherine Egan born 25th December 1862.

This mystery, which had been uncovered, lay dormant for over 40 yrs. Finally one day, whilst on Ancestry a couple of years ago, I was ‘mucking’ around and put her name into the search engine on a whim…

What I found was astounding…I found her baptism in the Catholic records in Liverpool.  This matched up with the information that she had given in the 1881, 1891, 1901 & 1911 UK Census.

Baptism Elizabeth Catherine EGAN 25 Dec 1863

So finally after many, many years, her birth details were confirmed.  This led me to find further details, which I will share with you in due course.

The moral of this story? Never, ever, give up looking! New records are being released all the time.  It pays to go back and revisit.

Until next time!


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Fiona Tellesson                                                                                                                                                  Chief Genealogist                                                                                                                                    Experts In Genealogy

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