Do It Yourself
This is the perfect Research Assistance Service if you want to be able to pursue your Family History/Genealogy yourself. We are here to guide and mentor you through the spectacular ‘Brick Walls’ that you will inevitably find along your journey. You may

Done With You
If you have some of the basic skills of research, or you have been away from the process of researching for a while, then this is the Service Package for you! We will have you back on track in a

Done For You
You’ve logged into Ancestry.com and found too much information, you’re suffering from overwhelm. Or, you just want to know more about where your family came from, your Genealogy/Family History, but you don’t have the knowledge or skill, or really, the
Meet The Team @ Experts In Genealogy
Fiona Tellesson
Founder & Genealogy ExpertFiona Tellesson is the founder of Experts In Genealogy.She has been involved with and researching Genealogy & Family History for over 50 years. Having discovered hundreds of interesting Family Stories. Not from just Australia, but overseas, including Germany, Ireland, England,
Leanne Sosniak
Genealogy ConsultantLeanne Sosniak is a passionate family historian. A fully qualified Adult Trainer who loves to lose herself down the myriad of ‘rabbit holes’ of genealogy.
Claire Stevenson
Genealogy ConsultantClaire Stevenson Born in Victoria, Australia, Female, Married with 2 children and a cat. Claire started off reading a family book that her father gave her when she was 16 years old. This was researched by unknown relatives and
Laura Foenander
Genealogy Intern - Ceylon SpecialistLaura Foenander Consultant Genealogist – Ceylon
Marie Coles
Genealogy InternMarie Coles became interested in her Family’s History in 1963 at the age of 12 after years of listening to her Grandparents and Great Grandparents stories, there began her love of Genealogy. She began her family history before computer’s existed